Cabbage recipe 4


1 cabbage


jar with lid

Weigh your cabbage to work out how much salt you need.  For every 450 grams use 1 ½ teaspoons salt.

Remove outer damaged leaves and cut out the core of your cabbage, wash well.  Reserve one outer leaf.

Thinly shred the cabbage, place in a large bowl, sprinkle the salt over the cabbage, toss well and let sit for 15 minutes.

Massage the cabbage with your hands for 5 minutes.  The cabbage will release a good amount of liquid and reduce in mass during this time.

Pack the cabbage firmly in a clean jar (I used a 700g one).  Pour the liquid that was release during massaging over the top.  Cut a circle of the same diameter as the jar from the reserved cabbage leaf.  Place it on top of the packed down cabbage.  Place a weight on top.  You can get cool glass fermentation weights, but if you don’t have one, place something heavy in a ziplock plastic bag and use that instead.

If the liquid from the cabbage doesn’t cover it, you can use a solution of 1 cup of water to 1 teaspoon of salt to fill it up.

Place the lid on the jar and put the jar in a dish to catch any overflow.  Allow it to ferment at room temperature for at least 2 weeks.

After that, store in the refrigerator.


A great way to use up lots of cabbages coming on stream all at once.