How to make a green smoothie

  • A few months back we planted a group of vegetables in one bed that we intended to make green smoothies out of. The vegetables included collards, perpetual spinach, curly kale, celery and plantago. See here for how to plant a Green Smoothie bed.
  • With the bigger-leaved plants like collards and kale, pick the smaller young leaves which are more tender.
  • You can also add edible weeds to your smoothie – they too are full of vitamins and minerals. There’s chickweed, dandelion, plantain, cleaver (or bedstraw), puha or milk thistle, all of which can be included.
  • If avocados are in season, use the stone to make the taste and consistency of the smoothie creamy.
  • Firstly lightly wash all the leaves, then break into small pieces and add to your blender. Use the leaves of celery as well as the stalks.
  • Add a small knob of turmeric and ginger. There’s no need to peel them, but do give them a bit of a scrub under running water.
  • Add water and process. You’ll probably need to use a wooden spoon to push the leaves down.
  • Rob recommends you don’t add fruit or fruit juice to your green smoothie, because it’s a tonic rather than a treat. But if you do want to make the taste milder you can add coconut water or soy milk. If you’d like a little bit of sweetness, add blueberries or half a banana.
  • And remember, you don’t need too much of a good thing – a small glassful is best!


Camera: Tom Neunzerling
Editor: Tom Dyton