How to transplant tomato seedlings

Mid-September to early October
  • Five weeks ago we sowed a tray with tomato seeds, as well as a row of beetroot and a row of basil (which is only just appearing now).
  • The tomato seedlings are now ready for stage two, which means pricking them out and transplanting them into individual pots.
  • Make sure the seedling tray has dried out so the soil falls off the roots easily.
  • Fill up small pots with a good potting mix. Cut a small clump of seedlings out of the tray with a knife. Shake the soil off the plants, separate them out, then carefully, holding the plant by the leaves, make a hole in the soil with a dibber and drop the roots of the plant into the soil.
  • Tomato seedlings do best when they’re planted almost up to their necks. This encourages root growth and makes the plants strong. Label and water them, and place in a warm, sheltered position for around another 4 weeks.
  • There’s no rush to get tomato plants in. They’ll do better when temperatures are consistently higher. But if you’re keen to get your tomatoes in now and you live in a warm region, then remember three things: put your stake in before the plant, feed the soil with calcium (lime if soil is acidic or gypsum if soil is neutral) and plant the tomatoes deeply to encourage maximum root growth.


Camera: Jarod Murray
Editor: Thomas Asche
Production equipment and post-production services provided by The Black Forest Breathes